Three experts from IFA with professionalism in the obstetrics and gynecology
左:Sue Mousley 现任IFA主席,擅长妊娠期妇女的芳香疗法,2005年荣获英国自然疗法摩利夫人大奖,受到查尔斯王储的接见。
Left:Sue Mousley, current president in IFA, specialized in aromatherapy for women in pregnancy. Maury UK Natural therapy Prize Winner, received by Prince Charles.
右:Veleria Worwood IFA 创会主席,擅长子宫内膜异位症的治疗和芳香基因学,著有《芳香宝典》《子宫内膜异位症的自然疗法》等多本著作,并且近年来为中国区国际考试的主考官,主考严格,提问广泛全面,涉及医疗领域的问题多深入而专业。
Right:Veleria Worwood , IFA president at its foundation, specialized in treatment of endometriosis and aroma-genetics. Author of 《芳香宝典》 and《子宫内膜异位症的自然疗法》(需要查具体书名) Chair-examiner of aromatherapy examination in China with extensive professionalism in medical sciences.
With same medicine background, we have several meetings in a number of international conference and courses. We are all familiar with the global development of aromatherapy treatment of the female diseases. Moreover, both physical and mental problems including the generative organ illness requires more attention and exploration by more professionals.